
Choosing a Diet Drink from Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Here Are the Facts

Various ways can be done to lose weight. One of them by utilizing fruit and vegetable juices as diet drinks. Here are the real facts about these diet drinks. Utilizing diet drinks with vegetable and fruit juices is still relatively controversial. This diet can be done several days to several weeks, with minimal food consumption. Effects on weight loss At first glance, drinking fruit and vegetable juices is an easy way to lose weight. However, there is actually a risk behind that. Although fiber needs are met, there is a risk of protein deficiency experienced by the body. When the body lacks protein, it will cause the desire to eat high-protein foods such as cake or donuts. In addition, lack of protein can risk losing muscle mass. One expert said, if the consumption of fruit and vegetable juices is done too extreme, the results of weight loss will not last long. The body is also likely to experience sodium deficiency, because fruits and vegetables contain very little sodium. Thi...

Signs of Headaches Need to be Checked by a Neurologist

Headaches are common and can affect anyone. But if it does not go away and is accompanied by other symptoms, this headache needs to be aware of. This type of headache could be caused by a serious medical condition. Generally, headaches can go away on their own and do not make you need to see a doctor. But immediately see a neurologist if the headaches suffered too often come, making you have to take headache medication continuously in the long run, or accompanied by certain symptoms. Signs of a Headache that Need to be Checked by a Neurologist If your headaches do not go away, it's good to see a neurologist immediately. Similarly, if a headache is accompanied by certain symptoms. Here are some signs of dangerous symptoms from headaches that should be wary of: Headaches that make you lose balance or coordination of body movements. A headache that appears suddenly and feels very heavy. Headaches are accompanied by other symptoms, such as confusion, loss of consciousness or f...

Artificial Tear Drops for Dry Eyes

Dry eye occurs when the amount of fluid to moisturize the surface of the eyeball is reduced. To alleviate this condition, you can use artificial tear drops. In addition to treating the condition of dry eyes, artificial tear drops can also be used to treat certain conditions, such as tired eyes, eye allergies, eye irritation, and eye infections. Benefits of Artificial Tear Drop Medication Dry eye occurs when the lacrimal glands do not produce enough tears to protect and moisturize the surface of the eye. Usually dry eyes are characterized by complaints of discomfort, pain, or itching in the eyes, red eyes, watery eyes, sensitive to light, and can not see clearly. To overcome this condition, you can use artificial tear drops. This artificial tear drops works by lubricating while maintaining the moisture in the surface layer of the eye. Type of Artificial Tear Drop Medication In general, there are two types of artificial tear drops sold on the market, namely products that contai...

This is the Role of Lactation Consultants for Breastfeeding Mothers

The process of breastfeeding is often considered easy because it is a natural process after giving birth. In fact this is not always the case, not a few mothers who experience difficulties. Lactation consultant is one of the parties who can help the condition. Difficulty in breastfeeding mainly occurs in the first week after the baby is born. Difficulties that arise can be caused by the condition of the mother and baby. With the right support and information from a lactation consultant, the breastfeeding process is made easier. Accompanying Breastfeeding Mothers In principle, the task of a lactation consultant is to train the mother to breastfeed her baby. Lactation consultants can help to convince and assist mothers during breastfeeding. These consultants can then teach the appropriate breastfeeding position and how to increase breast milk production (ASI). Lactation consultants will also help with problems often faced by breastfeeding mothers, including wounded nipples, proble...

Recognize the Causes and Ways to Overcome the Mood Swing

Mood swings (mood swings) are normal if they occur occasionally. But if mood swings occur frequently and to the point of disrupting personal life, there is a possibility that this condition is associated with mental health disorders, namely bipolar disorder. A mood swing is a change in mood that is clearly felt or seen. Basically, changes in mood and emotions can occur occasionally and this is not caused by certain disorders. But if it interferes with daily activities or accompanied by other signs, mood swing should be suspected as a symptom of a mental disorder. Mood Swing Signs As long as emotional changes do not affect daily life, this can still be considered normal. But if changes in mood occur drastically, often, protracted, and to disturb the activity, this needs to be aware of. Examples are mood swings that last for a few days or more, making you very happy and sad uncontrollably, impulsively, very easily offended, and unable to sleep, or when mood changes affect your dai...