Recognize the Causes and Ways to Overcome the Mood Swing

Mood swings (mood swings) are normal if they occur occasionally. But if mood swings occur frequently and to the point of disrupting personal life, there is a possibility that this condition is associated with mental health disorders, namely bipolar disorder. A mood swing is a change in mood that is clearly felt or seen. Basically, changes in mood and emotions can occur occasionally and this is not caused by certain disorders. But if it interferes with daily activities or accompanied by other signs, mood swing should be suspected as a symptom of a mental disorder.

Mood Swing Signs

As long as emotional changes do not affect daily life, this can still be considered normal. But if changes in mood occur drastically, often, protracted, and to disturb the activity, this needs to be aware of. Examples are mood swings that last for a few days or more, making you very happy and sad uncontrollably, impulsively, very easily offended, and unable to sleep, or when mood changes affect your daily activities and damage relationships with the closest person . Also pay attention if mood swings have reached more severe levels, such as creating a feeling of wanting to hurt yourself or ending life. The mood swings that occur along with these symptoms can be a sign of a mental health disorder.

Causes of mood swings

There are various causes for someone experiencing mood swing, including:

1. Hormone conditions

Teenagers, pregnant women, and menopausal women are the groups that are most likely to experience mood swings related to hormonal changes.

2. Chemical imbalances of the brain

Mood swings can be caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals that regulate mood. Some examples of these brain chemicals are serotonin and dopamine.

3. Certain diseases

Suffering from certain diseases is also a factor underlying the appearance of mood swing. Some diseases that can cause mood disorders are damage to the lungs, kidneys, or heart, thyroid disease, and abnormalities in the brain.

4. Mental disorders

Mental disorders often associated with mood swing complaints are depression, bipolar disorder, threshold personality disorder, schizophrenia, and ADHD. In addition to some of the causes above, addiction or abuse of illegal drugs and alcohol, as well as the side effects of certain drugs can also cause mood swing.

How to Overcome and Prevent Mood Swing

If these emotional changes do not interfere with everyday life, mood swing can usually subside itself without special care. Even so, there are several steps that can be taken to overcome and prevent the emergence of mood changes, namely:

Live a healthy lifestyle

Implementing a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and managing stress, can help maintain a stable mood.

Create a mood diary

If mood swings are often felt, observe each time this mood change occurs, when it is time and for what reason. Then record it in a personal notebook. By observing these patterns, mood swing triggers can be more easily recognized, so they can be avoided.

Consult a psychiatrist or psychologist

For mood swings that are severe or very often occur, causing disruption of daily activities, you should consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist. A psychiatrist or psychologist can help you identify the cause of mood swing while providing the right treatment. Mood swing caused by mental disorders is difficult to heal by itself. Without medical treatment, often the patient's condition becomes worse. Patients with mood swings can undergo counseling sessions, and after the cause is known, the doctor will provide treatment, both with psychotherapy and medication.


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